Inside my mind
Delve deeper
The first step of my creative process always starts with a spark of inspiration. I seek to solve problems through innovative ideas, with my inspiration coming from my daily experiences and the people who surround me. As I dive into each project, I carefully consider the unique challenges it presents, and I draw inspiration from the world around me to come up with dynamic and inspiring designs.
The research phase of my creative process serves as the foundation upon which the entire concept and design are built. It is a crucial part of my workflow. I tailor my research process to each project’s needs. Because each project is unique, my research methods can vary from in-person store visits to in-depth explorations of Google and research articles.
Finally, the design phase comes into play. After gaining a comprehensive understanding of the project and developing a clear research plan and layout, I begin the rough sketches. This is the stage where I take the thoughts, visions, and ideas in my mind and bring them to life on paper. No idea is left behind, I explore multiple possibilities, starting with 100 and narrowing down to the top 10 before selecting the one.
I have now entered a world of boundless creativity, with my headphones on, volume turned up, and my coffee cup filled. Armed with my rough sketches, I embark on the exciting process of transforming them into vibrant, dynamic designs. This phase is where I unleash my imagination and let it soar, experimenting with an array of design elements, iterating through trial and error, and seeking valuable feedback from others.
After thoughtful experimentation, designing, feedback, and collaboration, the idea, concept, and design have reached their final form.